Spiritual Formation Consultancy
What makes an organisation Christian is its desire to follow Jesus and his teaching. Jesus gave us a vision for life in the Kingdom, a vision which forms and shapes our values, characteristics and behaviour. Christian organisations will develop their own unique, organic strategies to see every person growing and flourishing in their spiritual formation. Ultimately the health of a Christian organisation will be determined by the spiritual health and formation of those who lead and represent it.
A consultancy in the area of spiritual formation will help you determine your unique path for discipleship. Each consultancy is tailored according to your organisations
needs, but may include:
• Developing a vision for spiritual formation and
• Developing a spiritual formation strategy
• Discipleship pathways
• Soul care strategies for leaders
• Facilitation training for leaders
Discernment Consultancy
The will of God can sometimes be challenging to determine, for an organisation busy with managing important ministry priorities. When your organisation finds itself at the crossroads of a major decision, a discernment
consultancy will seek to lead you through a process of clarity and conviction. Discerning God's will effectively, can help your organisation avoid unnecessary mistakes, whilst also giving you the confidence to make a decision, knowing you are leading in accordance with God's will.
Each discernment consultancy will be tailored for your organisations needs, but may include:
• Clarification of the decision for discernment.
• Determining the orientation of your organisation
• Understanding the decision, with respect to vision,
mission and values alignment
• Exploring the organisations motivation​ for the decision
in question
Discipleship Strategy Consultancy
Andrew Ranucci through his Masters Studies developed a unique and comprehensive Discipleship Model that has now been adopted by churches across the nation as their strategy for discipleship. If you are looking for a discipleship model for your church or Christian organisation then consider inviting Andrew for a Discipleship Strategy Consultation.
The Tree of Life Discipleship Model is designed to show us the pathway to living out our discipleship in the Kingdom of God. It represents what this Kingdom life looks like for us across seven crucial strategic areas of our life. Feel free to explore these seven areas of by clicking on each button below.
The Roots - Below the Surface of our Life
• Developing an intimate relationship with God
• Living in rich community with one-another
• Being authentic and transparent with a mentor
The Branches - Above the Surface of our Life
• Living as salt and light, so the world can taste & see that God is good
• Stewarding wisely all the resources God has given us
• Using our spiritual gifts to serve the body of Christ